Who are your favorite Warrior football player

Thursday, May 30, 2013

                                                          Advice for high school.

The advice that my mom and dad gave me for high school is to be myself and have fun in school.

The reason why i should be my self is that i do what the others tell me what to say. I always wear shorts because the others do it. I always do what the other kids do like play sports and stuff that the others do. I need to be my own person.

The reason why I should have fun in school is that I don't like school. I don't have fun so I don't get good grades. That is the whole reason why I need to have fun. But when I have fun I get really good grade.

That is the advice for high school for me.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a Perfect world

I  really like school because my future depends on it. I like the sports and other active that we have, though if I could change one thing it would the lunch time. I would make it longer. I would make it an hour long and break would be 59 minutes.

Then I would make the lunch for the teachers an hour and a half. I would make sure they had a home cooked meal made by a cook. And I would make them have a cake made for only the teachers that I would make for them.

Finally I would make sure that everyone had enough to eat. If they did not I would send them back for more. And the teachers would have a four cores meal.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I believe that everybody should be equal and it dose not matter if they are tall or short.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

If I could cure one disease it would be Crohns Disease

The reason why I want to cure is because my mom has it. I would find a mediation that would wipe out the whole disease. Then I would give it to the doctors that deal with it. So that is the disease that I want to cure. Then I would find more cures for other diseases including ALS

Thursday, April 18, 2013

As some of you know I am an 8th grader, that helps the high school. Of that you are thinking why is an 8th grader helping the high school. Well I live next door to the coach

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

i think we should do Night in Hawaii. This theme would suit are class because it would be a night of are life. For decoration I would use a beach theme for the photo booth. I would then use a small pool fulled with sand. I would contribute a bunch of seashells for the night

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I think we should do Night in Hawaii. The kids that have not been to Hawaii should know what it is like

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sometime I get tired of people asking me about the Warriors play. I tell them to ask Kaden Muir about it. so they walk off and get all mad about it. So when people ask me they walk off and find Kaden Muir.

So all I have to say is GET OVER IT OR DIE OF LAUGHTER